Additional Free-To-Use Illustration Websites For Your Designs

Alvin Mac
2 min readNov 22, 2020

For those of us who enjoy adding illustrations to your designs but suck at drawing them, here are some more free-to-use illustration design websites!


Openpeeps’ homepage

You can download this library of illustrations for free and include it in your design tools such as Figma, Sketch, Adobe Xd, etc. They come in multi-color or monochromatic and there is a variety of parts you can mix and match between each illustration, such as facial expressions, hairdos, clothing, etc. This is a fun tool to try and super easy to use, especially if you are using it to make storyboards or to spice up other design artifacts.


DrawKit’s homepage

Next up we have DrawKit. There are a number of illustration packs available ranging from restaurant & dining illustrations to black lives matter illustrations and COVID-19 illustrations. There are also two animation packs available and a variety of icons you can download as well that are great for your everyday needs and are fully customizable and royalty-free.


Blush’s homepage

Blush is a plugin you can install to Figma and Sketch and you can select a variety of styles and themes created by artists and customize each illustration to use on your designs. You can adjust a multitude of characteristics such as skin color, head, face, body, etc. for each illustration. This is also compatible with the first website — Openpeeps.


unDraw’s homepage

Last but not least, we have unDraw. There are a number of illustrations on here and you can easily adjust the color of all the illustrations with the color picker tool at the top navigation on the website. You can also search for a specific illustration if you have one in mind or just scroll through the bountiful illustrations on this website (there are a ton!).

Hope you enjoyed this read and bookmark these websites!



Alvin Mac

UX Designer | Photographer. Bringing designs to life with empathetic and creative designs.